Pexels- Blue Bubbles



Stem cells are fast becoming relevant to all aspects of our society, with medical, scientific, ethical, political, and economic implications. Therefore it is important that scientists and non-scientists alike be provided with accurate information about stem cell biology. The goals of the UCR Stem Cell Center is to provide the members of the community with a better understanding of the science of stem cells so that they have the necessary tools to make reasoned decisions about the related society issues. 

The UCR Stem Cell Center has a Speaker’s Bureau with experts who can explain the scientific aspects of stem cell biology to a wide variety of audiences. 

The UCR Stem Cell Center hosts a series of events open to the community that are designed to educate people about stem cell biology. 

Examples of outreach activities. 

Contact Information

Stem Cell Center

University of California
Riverside, CA 92521

Tel: +1 (951)-827-3768
Tel: +1 (951)-827-4954


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