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Support Stem Cell Research


How you can help support stem cell research at UCR

Your support of the Stem Cell Center is vital to our continued development and enables UCR to make significant contributions to stem cell research, to train graduate students and postdoctoral fellows, and to develop biotechnology necessary for translation of stem cell technology to patients. Because the federal government provides little funding in this crucial area, it is especially important that donors help UCR develop a strong stem cell research and training program that will impact the region, the state and the nation.


Your gift can benefit the Center in many significant ways: 

  • Funding a Stem Cell Seminar Series 
  • Support for students and postdoctoral fellows to present their research at national meetings 
  • Innovative pilot projects 
  • Fellowships for graduate students and Scholarships for undergraduate students 
  • Acquisition of equipment for stem cell research 
  • Undergraduate summer internships 
  • Support for the annual Stem Cell Workshop 
  • Awards for outstanding student and postdoctoral research 

When you make an outright gift, your contribution can be put to work immediately, either by providing funding for current programs or by creating reliable sources of future income by expanding the Center’s endowment. 


To make a donation, you may do any one of the following:

Credit card donations

can be made to the "Stem Cell Excellence Fund" through our secure web site:


Check or money orders

can be made payable to the UC Riverside Foundation. Please specify that your contribution should go to the Stem Cell Excellence Fund and mail it to: 

Office of Development
University of California
257-A Highlander Hall
Riverside, CA

Planned Gifts

If interested in making a planned gift or contribution of appreciated stock, real estate, personal property or other asset of value, please contact:

Jeremy McWells
Associate Director of Development,  College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences
Telephone 951-827-5074


Major gifts to establish a named fund can also be arranged, for example, an Endowed Chair in Stem Cell Biology, a Graduate Fellowship or a Distinguished Lecture Fund. Joann Anderson is available to discuss these or other leadership gifts to permanently link your name or someone you wish to honor with the Stem Cell Center. For pledges of $25,000 or more, donors can complete their gift by making regular payments over time.

If you have any questions or would like more information on giving opportunities and how they can benefit the Center, please contact the Stem Cell Center directly at, or call Dr. Prue Talbot, Director of the Center, at 951-827-3768. 


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