
UCR researchers develop a new method that expands the world of small RNAs

PANDORA sequencing method developed by UC Riverside-led team can detect once-undetectable small RNAs in somatic cells and pluripotent stem cells

"A team led by a biomedical scientist at the University of California, Riverside, has developed a new RNA-sequencing method— “Panoramic RNA Display by Overcoming RNA Modification Aborted Sequencing,” or PANDORA-seq — that can help discover numerous modified small RNAs that were previously undetectable." This study utilized somatic and pluripotent stem cells and features collaborative work from Dr. Qi Chen's lab (UCR School of Medicine) and Dr. Sihem Cheloufi's lab (UCR Biochemistry Department, and the UCR Stem Cell Center).

This research study has been published in Nature Cell Biology and is titled is “PANDORA-seq expands the repertoire of regulatory small RNAs by overcoming RNA modifications.” Link to the article can be found here:

For more information, the original article can be found via UCR News here:

Sihem CheloufiQi Chen

(Left: Dr. Sihem Cheloufi, Right: Dr. Qi Chen)

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